Monday, January 30, 2006

Ever Have One of Those Days?

These past few days have been a nightmare. Lack of work hours, friends doing things I don't think they should do, a school glitch that makes is so that I have to sit this semester of school out, yet another damn car repair, and this is ALL in the time frame of one and a half days! I'm so stressed I feel like my heads about to explode. I'm looking at summer school new (which puts some summer projects on hold till next year), I don't know how much it's going to cost to repair my car, but I know I can't really afford it. The lack of hours I'm working is making it hard for me to save money.

I need a new car. This much is obvious. What I don't have is any means to save for it. A couple of weeks ago I got new brakes. I didn't want to get them because I do have an old car, but I couldn't afford a new car either, so I was stuck. I don't know what's wrong now, but I only have around $700 in the bank, and I'm praying that either the bill will be less then $200, or that the repair will fall under the warrenty (someone at Costco said the problem was with the back breaks, so I may be getting off easy this time). Still, even if the bill isn't that expensive, it still sets me back even more. How am I supposed to continue to save money on eight hours a week?

I do have bills to pay, and even if I don't save any money for a new car this month (which would be torture at this point), then I still have barely enough money to live off of. I've been in the red for awhile now. I made an attempt to sell a lot of stuff on eBay to help pay for things. Nothing sold. None of the anime DVD's (some of which were brand new). My signed Harry Potter book (which I refused to sell for under $300). Nothing sold. I spent about $45 is eBay fees, and not ONE THING SOLD!!!!!!! WHAT AM I GOING TO DO?!?!?!?! Oh man, I'm so desperate I'm complaining to random people reading a blog. Man I'm pathetic.

I look at my website. I look at it at times like these, stare and it, and almost resent it. While I've always updated it because I enjoy writing reviews, it doesn't pay anything. At times like this, I really wish it did. Chris Beverage makes money off Anime on DVD, so why can't I? Oh yeah, because virtually no one reads my site. I'm just a spoiled kid, sitting around reading and writing about comics, hoping that I'll be able to make money doing this someday. I think I need to realize, that that's not ever going to happen. I should also admit that I have no future at school. I should admit I'll never make a lot of money.

I should admit my cars a piece of junk and not worth $5.00. I SHOULD REALIZE I'M BEING A PATHETIC CRYBABY AND MAKING MYSELF LOOK FOOLISH ON A BLOG!!!!!!!!! Man, I'm having a VERY bad day! Well, as you can probably figure out, this post is supposed to be nothing personal. I know I love my site, I know I'll get more work hours, I know I can go back to school in the summer, and I know I probably don't really mean half the things I'm saying. But I'm mad, and frustrated, and need to vent. Unfortunetly for you guys, this blog is the easiest way for me to do that.

My frustration is starting to go down a little, and my angers lowered now that I've released some of my anger. Chances are a couple days this post will even be gone. So forgive me that I write this in the first place, but I REALLY needed to vent! I might vent again later. If this post has offended you I want to apologize, and warn you to stay away from this blog for the next couple of days. Things could get ugly.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's cool man, bad stuff happens sometimes. Just try to stay in there and get in focus.

10:19 PM


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