Wednesday, January 25, 2006


Konami preps Metal Gear retrospective - PlayStation 2 News at GameSpot

"Metal Gear Solid" is one of my favorite game series of all time. Yes, I even loved "Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty," despite that mind boggling ending Kojima delivered us. I love MGS so much, that when Konami released "Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance" for the XBox, I bought the game even though I had already bought it once for the Playstation 2. And when Silicon Knights gave us "Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes" for Gamecube, a remake of the original Playstation game, I bought that too. Here's the thing though: I can't justify buying "Metal Gear Solid 3: Substance."

At least, not when it's on a system that I already own the game for. For some reason I was late buying "Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater" the first time around for Playstation 2. Blame "Kingdom Hearts" and "Final Fantasy X-2" if you want (I sure as heck do), but it wasn't until January of 2005 when I finally got the game (and on sale for $35.99). I still really love the game, but I can't justify re-buying a $50 game when I already have it on the exact same system. If "Substance" was being released on XBox instead (like it was for "Sons of Liberty") then maybe I would be more for this.

But two same games for the same system? That just doesn't make sense. I'm sorry, but it doesn't. Now I'm hearing that there will be some sort of DVD "Making of" bonus for those who pre-order this thing though? Man, tempting. VERY tempting in fact...but I can't! I'm frustrated, I want it, but it just doesn't make sense in the long run. Chances are because of how rare this is going to be though, I guess it should be noted that these disks are going to skyrocket on eBay within the next year or so. Darn you Kojima. DARN YOU!!! Someone at Konami America needs to make their own multi-disk DVD "Making of" set.

Why not? I'd buy it. I'd buy this sort of thing for "Final Fantasy," "The Legend of Zelda," and "Sonic The Hedgehog" too. Darn, I REALLY need to get into one of these companies and start making these plans become a reality! Oh well, until then, they shall be written down in this blog. On a side note, "Metal Gear Solid 4" may just be enough of a reason to buy a Playstation 3. Not on launch day mind you, but eventually.

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