Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Movie Reviews: One of Four

I've seen four movies this past week, so I better start reviewing them:

Director: Lasse Hallstrom
Staring: Heaith Ledger, Sienna Miller
Rated: R (For some sexual content)

"Casanova" was not what I was expecting it to be. For some reason, I was thinking "Casanova" was going to be a movie that was about a guy who spent the who movie activly trying to sleep with as many women as he could. This is true for the first ten minutes of the film, but then the movie shifts focus. "Casanova" is based (loosely) off the life of the real life Giacomo Casanova, who wrote many books in his life but only found real success with his autobiography. In it he claimed to have have 122 "conquests" with women. This fact is also hammered down in this movie.

The movie follows this part of the story, showing Casanova claiming another prize, when he is arrested by the church for being quite a scumbag. He is given one more chance though: If he can find a wife withen the next three days and get married, he will be cleared of all charges. Casanova imediatly gets engaged to the virginal Victoria, but shortly afterwards meets his real true love, a feminist writer named Francesca. As is always the case when you meet "the one," Casanova drops his old ways and starts scheming to win Francesca's heart.

He finds out that Francesca has a fiancee (one she has never seen, just so that we are aware she is not attached to him), edbut nothing as minor as that is going to stop Casanova. Oh, all the while, an out of town catholic is trying to have Casanova hanged. I hope I'm not making "Casanova" sound like a drama, because it's not. In fact, "Casanova" is more of a fun romp then anything. It's a little unrealistic, it's a little stereotypicle, and some of the characters are so one sided they might be considered offensive (horny nuns who like to have sex), but overall "Casanova" is just a fun romp.

It's NOT historically accurate! The movie may get a few things about real life events right, but overall this was made as sort of a date movie rather then a historical representation. Historians may frown on what they may consider a wasted oppertunity, but for those who don't go to the movies to be educated, this may be the fun kind of movie they are looking for. A small note on the R rating, this is one of the tamest R rated films I've seen in a long time. There is no bad language, no violence, no nudity, and the sexuel content mainly reffers to some very minor off color jokes.

In other words, even if you are easyily offended there is very little to offend in this movie, so I would take that R rating with a grain of salt. Right now you've got a serious but sour film about gay cowboys to see, and a movie about a womanizer who changes his ways when he falls in love. I think you can guess which of these films I'm recomending.

Grade: B

Currently Listening To: Justin Guarini with Kelly Clarkson - Justin Guarini


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