Saturday, January 21, 2006

Movie Reviews: Two of Four


Yep, I still go to kids movies. By myself. I know, my life is pitiful:

Director: Jon Favreau
Staring: A couple of annoying kids.
Rated: PG (For fantasy action and peril, and some language)

I like the movie "Jumanji." I don't think it's a great film, but it was a fairly decent movie. The special effects haven't held up quite as well as they used to, but that's okay, that's just the way things work sometimes. With that in mind, I wasn't particularly looking forward to seeing "Zathura." Like "Elf," the movie just looked too dopy and childish for me. However, like "Elf," I walked away from "Zathura" quite surprised. I only then learned that the guy who directed "Elf" directed "Zathura" too.

The storyline is simple: Boys who hate each other find board game, start playing, weird stuff happens, boys must learn to love each other if they are to survive. In this regard, "Zathura" is nothing special, as this story has been told multiple times before. What makes this movie worth seeing is that it is told in a very fun way. While "Jumanji" was a good movie, calling it a family film (and giving the film it's too flexible PG rating) was a joke, as that film was capable of terrifying kids. "Zathura" makes this a fun ride by establishing very early on that this is going to be a fun fantasy ride.

The first thing that happens is a huge meteor shower takes place in the living room. The meteors fall everywhere, destroying the room, but the kids are unharmed. So while it looks like the kids are avoiding the meteors, it's really the meteors that are avoiding the kids. This scene does a great job in setting up the fact that this is all just going to be fun. As more disasters show up, there is always something to protect the kids, and (in a brilliant stroke of genius) some of the special effects are old fashioned. The old fashioned special effects (like the robot) helps establish the fantasy setting we are in.

The actors all do a commendable job in the movie. There is no Oscar work to be found here, but what is in here works. Save for Tim Robbins in a very minor supporting role as the dad who doesn’t have for his kids, the cast is made up entirely of unknowns. This is also okay, as we don't want anyone mistaking this movie for art. Still, it's a great family film, and even if you don't have kids it is quite and enjoyable ride in itself. Just remember: It's only a game.

Grade: B-

Currently Listening To: Ricky Martin - Life


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