Tuesday, June 27, 2006

To The Comic Book Guy.com Visitors

I'm sorry that this is not on the main homepage, but I forgot to mention that I am current'y housesitting for some friends, and won't be able to update the site for the next week and a half. That's the bad news. The good news is that I have access to a computer, which means I can still write reviews. The bad news is that I'm on 56k again, so I can't upload any of these reviews until I get back home. The good news is, updates should be frequent for awhile. Oh, and I now have a MySpace account, which I WILL be updating every few days, so check it out if you haven't yet at www.myspace.com/kevintrodriguez!

Again, sorry this is not on the homepage, but this is the only sane way I can post this update. I hope you understand. Anyway, got to get back to working on my book, as the lack of broadband is making it easier to write. Later guys!

Currently Listening To: James Horner - "Casper" Soundtrack


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