Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Sony E3 Conference

IGN PS3: Cheats, Previews, Reviews, Trailers and Screenshots for PlayStation 3 Games

I'm about 35 minutes into the conference, and I'm going to be commenting on Sony's E3 comments.

1. Kaz Hirai is talking about offering future online content for PS3 for free. Nobody cheers. I think everyone knows exactly what "free" means these days.

2. You will be able to download onld PS1 games on PSP, via Revolution...excuse me, WII!

3. Sony has an online music store for PS3. I thought we had this perfected with iTunes and Napster.

4. The new fighting game from Team Ninja looks unimpressive, but they've surprised me before.

5. Sony is showing off a bunch of clips from (supposingly) real games they are making. I don't see actual games though. I see pre-rendered CGI and FMV. Once I see actual gameplay I'll believe in the Playstation 3 revolution.

6. I must admit though, that tis game Naughty Dog is making looks very, VERY cool!

7. "Ressitence: Fall of Man" looks a little impressive, but they still have to compete with "Halo 3."

8. I'm going to note that VERY few people have clapped! Is no one impressed by these supposingly real time game footage?

9. Man that "Sonic The Hedgehog" clip looks SWEAT!!

10. Another "Dynasty Warriors" game. Maybe this one won't have any fog in it?

11. You know, it's funny, because I've criticized Sony in the past for not showing enough games, and now they are doing it, and still managing to look boring and barely register any emotion.

12. One person claps after the clips are shown, and only because Kaz asks him to. I notice Sony people keep asking for applause, but that's the only time they're getting it.

13. EA is showing some clips now. Since I don't buy EA products, comments on these clips will be non-existant.

14. Geez, the reception "Metal Gear Solid 4" got a poor reception. Only a handful of people clapped? Geez.

15. The controller design is the same as the PS2 controller. Evexct now it's wireless. Big whoop.

The presentation is over. Dear God that was boring. I mean, Sony's conferences are normally pretty dull, but this one took the cake. I don't know how they managed to create such a boring presentation when they had a new SYSTEM to unveil! Oh, and Kaz is kidding himself if the dead silence over the PS3's price is not very agreeable with anyone.


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