Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Books I've Been Reading

As you all know, I'm an avid reader. And not just of comic books. I read novels, self help books, and political books. I've decided to write down some thoughts on some of the books I've been reading.

Deception Point by Dan Brown

Ah yes, another Dan Brown book. I can tell you right now, I'm getting just a little tired of Brown's superficial novels that have shallow characters, lots of action, and totally impossible conspiracies (though the book claims they have merit). This book started out as an interesting political thriller, of which the book became about two men battling to win a presidential election, and using whatever tactics they could to hurt the other candidate. This is an interesting idea for a book, one that I would love to read. Sadly, the book becomes completely uninteresting when Brown switches gears a quarter way into the book and introduces an ALIEN in the story!

No joke, this book goes from being about political power, and becomes about life on another planet. And the book just lost me right there and then. I do read a couple of chapters of this book whenever I have to go to the bathroom, but I find my interest in this book waning. I'm more then halfway done with the book, but something tells me I won't be finishing this journey anytime soon (if at all). Dan Brown has to be one of the most overrated authors of our time.

Bush Word by Maureen Dowd

Switching gears just a bit, I now to an unusual book entitled "Bush World." This is a strange book for me. I voted for Bush. I admit he's not the best president in the world, but I agree with some of his morals when it comes to war, homeland security, and same sex marriages. That said, I did not expect to be so entertained by a book that does nothing but tear Bush apart like he was a toothpick. The writing in this book is pretty good. It's certainly not the best political writing I've ever read. It's better then Michael Moore but not as good as Michael Savage.

Actually, I think Maureen Dowd is on par with Ann Coulter. Both authors write columns that are extreme, sarcastic, and extremely biting. Sometimes the opinions come off as either too extreme, too cartoony, or both, but they are entertaining to read whether you agree with them or not. I don't completely agree with all of Dowd's opinions on Bush or what he's doing, but I can't deny that this is a very entertaining book. Of course, I found this book at the Dollar Tree Store, so I didn't break my back paying for it either.

To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee

This book will ring more familiar to a lot more people then the above books will. There is really nothing more I can say about this book that hasn't already been said before. Everyone's read this book, it's critically acclaimed, one of the best books of all time, blah, blah, blah. I will say one thing though: Now that I've read it, I can say that all the praise this book has received is absolutely true. This IS an awesome book! Highly recommended.

This was fun. We'll have to do this again sometime. Oh, and help Save Everwood at www.everwoodonline.com.

Currently Listening To: Starship - Greatest Hits


Blogger Kevin T. Rodriguez said...

I actually have not seen the movie. I hope to see it soon though.

10:23 PM


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