Saturday, April 29, 2006

Need Money For Book

eBay Seller: comicbookreviewer: DVD, CDs items on

Hey everyone. I'm selling more anime CD's and DVD's. Thanks for everyone who bought (most) of my stuff with the last sale. This one has more items for sale, so hopefully you guys will find something you like (and if you buy everything, I'll personally write you a "Thank You" card). Now, you guys may be wondering why I'm selling this stuff. Well, you know that book I'm writing? Well, before I shop the book to publishers I'm going to self-publish it. This way I can promote the book and create a fan base for it while I try to sell it. I figured if it worked for Christopher Paolini, then it may be worth it for me to try too.

However I need some money to do this. That's why I'm hoping you guys will bid on some of the items I'm selling. All the money is going into a big jar to help pay for the publishing of the book. So please, please, PLEASE bid people! You don't like to see me beg right? Of course you don't, because it looks silly. I know it does, I've practiced in front of a mirror. Anyway, good luck bidding.

Friday, April 21, 2006

Selling LOTS of Anime DVD's and CD's

eBay Seller: comicbookreviewer: DVD, DVDs Movies items on

Hey everyone, stalling for cash. I'm selling a ton of brand new, factory sealed, anime DVD's and CD's. Remember, you save on shipping, which means you can get five anime soundtracks for about $31. How's THAT for a deal?!

Currently Listening To: Diana DeGarmo - Blue Skies

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Retirement Afterthoughts and Book Progress Reports

Yu-Gi-Oh! Uncensored: Editorial

So chances are if you visit "Yu-Gi-Oh! Uncensored!" you have read my goodbye editorial by now. If you haven't read it yet, then surprise, but I've retired from "Yu-Gi-Oh! Uncensored!" Maybe some of you reading this didn't know I ran "Yu-Gi-Oh! Uncensored!" Maybe some of you don't even know what the heck "Yu-Gi-Oh! Uncensored!" even is. Oh well, regardless of the situation I've retired from the site. I tell you, it feels weird. VERY weird! I know I haven't really updated the site all that much recently, but that doesn't mean it hasn't been part of my life since I opened it on January 14th 2003.

Three years. Yep, that seems to be about the average amount of time to run a hobby website. Guess that means we can expect The Comic Book to go belly up January 9th, 2007. Heh, just kidding...though with that said I do need to update that site with a review soon. If I don't, chances are I'll lose some weekly visitors. Oh but I'm going on vacation for two weeks starting April 30th, so I'm going to disappoint anyway. Maybe I'll just start my vacation now and be fully rested when I get back May 18th, ready to write reviews again. One thing I HAVE been motivated to work on is my book!

For those who don't know what I'm talking about, I explain it in detail in the editorial above. The long story short though is that I'm writing a book. A novel. Hopefully it will be good. I've actually been working on it for awhile now, but I've just kept it a secret. Why I've kept it a secret I don't know. If I want to get people excited about it, I need to start promoting it now. So what do I need to share about the book now? Well, so far I've written over seventy pages of the book, and am on Chapter Eight. Yes, a couple of the chapters are short. Keep in mind "The Da Vinci Code" had multiple chapters that were less then three paragraphs long, and that's a best seller.

The book is going to be a fantasy book set in modern times. This works out well for me because I can have wizards and witches blowing the crap out of each other with powerful spells in the middle of Sacramento. You won't see that in the upcoming "Eragon" movie that's for sure. Not only that, but I don't have to create different races and species for my series. I can just have the book feature everyday cops, homeless men, and crime lords with some wizards thrown in for the mix. Oh, and swords. I've got swords in the book too. So what good will swords do in modern times when people have guns and nukes to play around with?

Well, you'll find out in book two. Oh by the way, this book I'm writing, it's book one in a series of ten. You heard me: TEN! Yes, I'm insane. While this may be aiming a bit high (and I might chicken out of it at some point), but I want the series to be kind of like Harry Potter, in the sense that things develop over time, and that the main conflicts aren't known until later on in the series. While my book won't feature any kids as the protagonists, years will have passed by the time the series ends. The main characters name is Bruce. I know, Bruce is a plain name, but I like it. So deal with it.

As I write this I just finished writing the first half of Chapter Eight. I cut off from a scene. If I didn't have to work this morning I'd just stay up late until I ran out of juice for the time being. Actually, considering that my cousin got into an accident and broke his neck, I'm surprised I have any juice to write at all. I keep thinking of him in bed, in pain. He got into a motorcycle accident. I'm so thankful to God that he's not paralyzed. And people say that there is no proof God exists. He exists and works miracles everyday. Heck, he worked one yesterday with my cousin.

The doctors are perplexed because at the speed he was going, and at the height he flew off the motorcycle, he very well should be paralyzed by now. But he's not, and I'm so thankful to God for that. Wow, this part wasn't planned to be part of this post. Eh, just goes to show how much I love spreading good news. I'll catch up with you guys later. Hopefully with more progress reports.

Currently Listening To: Kylie Minogue - Greatest Hits 87-97

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

What I've Been Up To

Even though I have a review and Yu-Gi-Oh! site I run, this Random Thoughts blog is actually the one thing I have the most fun writing. Mainly because I can write whatever the heck I want to write, and no one will protest because there is no reason to. The purpose of this blog is for me to write down random thoughts I have. Articles that wouldn't fit in with The Comic Book website. And strangely enough, this blog gets more hits then either my comic OR Yu-Gi-Oh! site! It's quite bizarre actually. I've been working on a behind-the-scenes project recently. This project may be the reason I haven't updating anything for awhile.

This project, which shall remain nameless for the time being, is something that I've wanted to work on for many years now. I just never had the courage to attempt to make it...until now. Now that I'm working on it, I'm loving it, despite the fact that it is taking a tole on my personal life. When it's finished I know I'll be happy with it, but until then it does take up quite a bit of time. Makes me realize that I'll have to make some changes when it comes to the amount of time and commitment that I want to do on my websites. Today I made a list of all the features I had planned for my two sites.

I made the list so that I could look at what I was planning, and cross out the things that didn't mean too much to me, or I just simply didn't have the time to commit to. There was one feature on my YGO! that I planned to write a couple of months ago. It would have been big. It might have even improved my traffic for that site a bit. But alas, I starred at how much work and research I had to put into the darn thing (which turned into many, many, MANY hours), and I crossed it off. Then cried just a bit. It made me kind of sad because just two years ago, this feature would have been a top priority for my site.

Now? Now all I could see was how much time I was going to put into it, versus how little I was going to receive for doing it. I also planned to finish my San Diego Comic Con 2005 report, but I just couldn't justify doing the full length report I had originally planned. So that feature got crossed off, and for a site that I practically look forward to updating. But the response to my first two installments of that feature were non-existent, and I didn't want to waste my energy finishing a report that no one really cared about in the first place. Not to mention my big project is taking so much of my time, I may have to cut back to writing one review a week instead of two.

But don't quote me on that last one, as I haven't completely decided on that one. I'm also buying all the DVD's of films that won an Oscar for Best Picture. I think once I have seen them all, a satirical list of the "Ten Films Least Deserving of An Oscar" would be great fun to write...I'm just wondering if that energy would be better channeled somewhere else now. Ah, but that list is too tempting to refuse, so I'll probably write it anyway (though in several installments most likely). Gee, this post is sounding more grim then I originally intended it to be. In fact, the more I look at this, maybe I should post this on my websites too?

Just so that everyone knows what's going on. Nah, everyone will find this sooner or later. Everyone checks out blogs whenever I miss an update, just to make sure I'm not having computer problems or something. Well, anyway, with all that said I'm surprised to discover this blog might be updated more then the websites. If I write something for a website, I have to re-write the HTML, edit pictures if need be, and FTP everything. With blogs, I just click the blog button, write what I want to, and publish it. No one even holds it against me when I misspell something in the blog, since no one thinks highly of blogs (though people probably find them more interesting then anything you'll find on

There is one thing I will promise: Things are going to change for me. I'll talk about the project I'm working on when it's time, and hopefully it will catch everyone's attention when it gets finished. Remember, I can't talk about it yet, but you're all welcome to speculate a little bit about it on my message boards if you want (just don't expect me to participate, seeing as how I hate message boards). I'll reveal more details on my respective sites when I iron everything out, but for now, I'm signing off. Catch you all later.

Currently Listening To: Daniel Powers - Daniel Powers