Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Book Progress

Wow, I didn't mean to leave this blog vacant for so long. I'm been hanging out at MySpace a lot recently, so I kind of forgot about this blog. But after reading some old Yu-Gi-Oh! Uncensored! stuff I worked on (which I secretly still miss that site), I remembered that I promised I would use this blog as a status update for the progress of my book.

So here I am, and feel free to pass this information along: I have 244 pages of the book finished. Oh sure there still needs to be proof-reading and spell checking, but the bottom line is that I will have the first draft of the book finished in about 100 pages. Give or take a few pages. This means that I won't be publishing this year, but next year should be the year I publish either proffesionally or otherwise. Keep an eye on this page for more updates I continue to progress. Bye!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of Yu-Gi-Oh!, did you hear about the Yu-Gi-Oh! Singapore dub?

When I went on Janime, I found a thread... this thread:

It turns out, folks, that there is a second English-language dub of the second series of Yu-Gi-Oh! (Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters)

A Singaporean crew dubbed the show into English for Anglophones in Singapore and other Southeast Asian countries.
* The visuals are unaltered
* The dub names are used for the people, i.e. Jonouchi is Joey

If you live in Singapore, you can watch this on television.

You may also watch it on Youtube:

5:19 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Berger authorized to go to the dances given to the Prince? The Class had to give up this, and he answered it himself: Because every one of his carroms was a tick-it to the ball.. Out of that period he had brought all its old pride and scruples of honor, an antiquated and punctilious politeness, and (you would think) its wardrobe.. In the laugh and talk which followed (for with the conclusion of the spelling, all form of a public assembly vanishes), our schoolmaster said so many gallant things to his fair enemy, and appeared so much animated by the excitement of the contest, that Miss Bangle began to look upon him with rather more respect, and to feel somewhat indignant that a little rustic like Ellen should absorb the entire attention of the only beau.. Preciosa stood before the mirror, but alarmed at my wild and eager movements, unable to distinguish what I had in my hands, and seeing me raise them suddenly to my face, she shrieked with terror, and fell fainting upon the floor, at the very moment that I placed the glasses before my eyes, and beheld--myself, reflected in the mirror, before which she had been standing.. But is it not carelessness on the part of this guardian to diminish its vigilance during the night and to allow the suppressed emotions of the Unc.. And thus, to shorten this preface, when we returned at night to my parsonage at Naguadavick, there entered Mrs.. As his feet crossed that sacred threshold the Colonel became all courtesy; he placed a chair for his visitor, and took his hat from his half-reluctant hand.. Ah, c'est bien , dat vill do, and the Frenchman got out of the gig, tied the horse, and produced his lithographic map.. I'll use it to your full satisfaction. His work was literary vaudeville, brilliant, highly amusing, and yet vaudeville.. As calmly as possible he began to straighten it out, caring but little for the dust upon his garments. Hastings' case, however, I feel that the fame is sure to come.. Henry BARGAIN DAY AT TUTT HOUSE (1905) George Randolph Chester A CALL (1906) Grace MacGowan Cooke HOW THE WIDOW WON THE DEACON (1911) William James Lampton GIDEON (1914) Wells Hastings ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The Nice People , by Henry Cuyler Bunner, is republished from his volume, Short Sixes , by permission of its publishers, Charles Scribner's Sons.. After a little more conversation Mrs.. { IS TRUE.. I'm sorry for it; but there is no ground for your complaint.. She took Dennis in training all that afternoon, instructed him in fashionable conversation, cautioned him against the temptations of the supper-table--and at nine in the evening he drove us all down in the carryall.. Vashty! Vashty! a woman's voice sounded thin and far away.. There was silence for many minutes.. Another idea about the table d'hote...

4:38 AM


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