Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Dead or Alive 4: Don't Bother Blocking

IGN: Dead or Alive 4 Review

The "Dead or Alive" series is one of my favorite fighting games. It has a good fighting system, great characters (and not just the ones with...um, bounce), and above all else an awesome blocking system. The name of the game with "Dead or Alive" has been the counter system. With carefully timed presses of a button, you could make all your characters stop an attack and counterattack the enemy. It didn't always happen, but it was pretty well balanced, and you could learn to perfect it. With "Dead or Alive 4" for the BOX 360, that unique feature has been thrown out the window.

No, it wasn't taken out of the game, but it may as well have been. Apparently someone at Team Ninja decided it was too easy to use the block button, so they made it harder to use it. They made it so that you could only use it at certain times. If you are right in your timing, you can stop an attack, but oh how difficult it is. Now you have literally0.1 second time periods to be able to properly block. If you don't press the button at these proper times, your character will do nothing. These are easy to pull off when the enemy isn't fighting at all, but once the combo's start coming you are at your enemies mercy.

Seriously, it gets to be pretty maddening when the computer A.I. can block against your best moves, yet you can't do a thing about his basic attacks. Note to Team Ninja: I respect you wanting to make your games more challenging, but you shouldn't make executing something so hard that you might as well not bother doing it at all. With how difficult it is to block, the block button is practically broken now. Maybe it's just me, but that seems like missing the whole point of "improving" this particular gameplay mechanism. Oh, and just for the record, people online aren't really using the block button either, do to the stupid difficultly in making it work properly. Just some advice.

Currently Listening To: Jon Secada - "Pocahontas" Soundtrack

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

I'm Going To Make A Quick Withdraw

IGN: Shadow the Hedgehog Review

Game review sites tend to all read the same way. If one site loves a game, then chances are all the other review sites will love the game. Likewise if one site hates a game, then all the other review sites love the game. I don't know why this is, but I'm going to guess the reason is because unlike movies, most people who buy games agree on the same thing: They want fun games. And while there are different genre's, if someone reviewing "Final Fantasy X" loves RPG's, then anyone who likes RPG's will likely love "Final Fantasy X." I normally agree with reviews.

Sometimes I'll differ a little bit on a grade, but otherwise I usually see eye-to-eye with most of the reviews. One of the biggest conflicts with a review I've had recently is with "Shadow The Hedgehog." Now I am a huge Sonic The Hedgehog fan. Screw Mario and his mushroom jumping games (which are fun, I'm not saying they are), I've always preferred the Sonic games for their speed, loops, and eventually great gameplay inovations. While most of the Sega Saturn Sonic games left quite a bit to be desired, I've enjoyed pretty much all the Dreamcast and Gamecube Sonic games ("Sonic Shuffle" being an exception to the rule).

The latest Sonic game is "Shadow The Hedgehog," which takes place after the events of "Sonic Hero's," stars "Sonic Adventure 2" show stealer Shadow, and sports a darker world and storyline, originally earning the game a (what would have been very controversial) Teen rating, but thanks to the ESRB adding a new rating, the rating got appealed and received an Eveyone 10+ rating (which is still kind of high for a kids game). I didn't really get a chance to play this game till January of this year, and despite all the absolutely horrible reviews this game has received, I find myself disagreeing with them, as I feel this is a fun game.

This isn't a great game, but a fun one none-the-less. One thing I do find strange though is that I agree with most of the points made in the reviews. Yes, the graphics should be better by now. Yes, the camera is still a little whacked. And yes, since there is the whole "good/evil" choice you can make, it would be helpful that to not kill the good guys if you on there side (and vice-a-versa). Yet, I still find the game fun. I was thinking about this, and I think I understand why: I'm used to these problems. Seriously, while it is annoying that most of these problems have been present since "Sonic Adventure" came out in 1999, and I would love to see them fixed, the bottom line is that I'm used to the problem. So when the camera went all crazy on me the first time I played this game, it didn't raise a red flag because I was used to it. I know, it's sad but true. And since I'm such a big fan of the Sonic series, I guess I'm not marking these things against the game itself. This proves one thing about game reviews: They are not always right. They usually help greatly, and when a game magazine dings a game it's highly recommended you take them seriously to a certain extent since you stand to lose $50, but they aren't always right.

If you are a big Sonic fan, "Shadow The Hedgehog" should do wonders for you. Unlike "Mario Sunshine," some of the added stuff in Shadow really works, and it makes the game more interesting then it would have been otherwise. Now if you'll excuse me, I still have about seven endings that I want to unlock, and those endings aren't going to unlock themselves.

Currently Listening To: Peter Cetera - One Clear Voice

Monday, February 13, 2006

Note To Self

Remember to go see "Top Gun" on Thursday at 10:00pm. That's all, this message isn't for anyone else but me. For a more interesting post, you can read my thoughts on the Oscar nominations below.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

It's Oscar Time: Part One

OSCAR.com - 78th Annual Academy Awards - Best Motion Picture of the Year

Even though the Best Picture Oscar nominees were anounced a couple of weeks ago, I didn't want to comment on them until I saw all the films on the list. Just for the record, that turned to be easy as the only film on the list I hadn't seen yet was "Munich," which I remember wanting to see when I first saw the previews, but kind of forgot about it shortly after it was released. Since I saw "Munich" four nights ago, I now feel comfortable talking about the nominations. I'll start off by saying this was an extremely good year for movies.

Even though a couple of my top ten films weren't nominated for Best Picture ("Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" and "King Kong"), a few of the films were. Of the five films that were nominated, I'll be rooting for "Capote" to win. I love that movie. It may be because it deals with writing - which is a passion of mine - but it's also a great autobiagraphy film, mystery, and human drama. I loved every aspect of this film, and it's one of those movies where you ask people "Why haven't you seen this movie?" If "Capote" doesn't win - which is looking like a real possability - then my second choice would be "Good Night and Good Luck."

"Good Night and Good Luck" was a good old fashioned movie. It takes place in the fifties, looks like it was filmed in the fifties, sounds like it was made in the fifties, and some of the actors both look and sound like it was from the fifties. Oh, and the film is in black and white, which just rocks. But the way the film looks and sounds is only part of the appeal, the rest of the appeal comes from the great storyline about a small news station who, despite what everyone else told them to, decided to publicly oppose the illegal methods of Senater McCarthy and his anti-communist ways.

Long before there was Michael Moore and Al Franklin, there was CBS and veteran news reporter Edward R. Murrow, the first real outspoken activist (and also much better then the affore mentioned "activists"). After that we have "Crash," a film about racism and how it still exists today in ways we normally have no idea it does. Some people have criticized the movie for being to forceful in it's message (and maybe they are right), but it is still a very interesting and compelling film with a message that is worth listening to. Strangely enough, I don't have much of an opinion on "Munich."

Don't get me wrong, it's a good movie and I love it, I just don't have much to say about it. Definetly worth seeing though. And that leaves us with "Brokeback Mountain," the film that will most likely win the top prize. If you've been reading this blog, you know I don't like this film. Save for a heartbreaking performance by Michelle Williams (who deserves to win Best Supporting Actress) this movie is garbage. However the film will win Best Picture, regardless of the quality of the film. Hollywood has an agenda to push, and they will push it with this film.

For people who keeping telling me that they were moved by this film I always ask them if the cheating couple had been a guy and a girl, would they still think the romance is beautiful. This question stops people dead in their tracks because they know that if this were the case, they wouldn't like the movie as much because it would make the affair more despicable then it already is. Women get hurt by husbends who leave them for other men in real life too, so I don't know why this movie is a example of a true love story. To me it's liberal garbage. Not to knock on liberals, but the message doesn't hold enough water to make a good movie.

So yeah, while I would rather see "King Kong" in the running for Best Picture over "Brokeback Mountain," I am quite happy with most of the nominations. Even though the Oscars are more about money and promotion then real awards these days, I will be looking forward to watching them on ABC this March. Well, this was a fun post to write. Come back in a couple days when I have my opinion on the Best Animated Feature Films. Hey, for me, animation requires a whole seperate catigory.

Currently Listening To: Phil Collins - "Brother Bear" Soundtrack

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Monkeying Around

calendarlive.com: Real monkeying around

As you all know, I love animation. I'm looking forward to seeing "Curious George" on Friday, but that was before I read the article I linked to above. After looking at all the problems this film has had over the years, I'm even more curious (no pun intended) about the final results of the film. There is one thing to celebrate though: The movie is hand-drawn 2D animation. Now THAT'S something to get excited about! Hope I see some people in the theater when I go check out the movie this Friday (I'll catch "The Pink Panther" another day).

Currently Listening To: Steven Curtis Chapman - All About Love

Best. Commercial. EVER!


This has got to be the best car commercial I've ever seen. If this hasn't sold me on a Honda right now, nothing ever will. Totally cool.

Currently Listening To: Ricky Martin - Sound Loaded

Note To Self

This post is nothing more then a personal reminder for me later this month. Note:

Cancel Gamefly Account on February 15th. That is all.

Currently Listening To: Puffy AmiYumi - Nice

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Rocking Out In A Coffie Shop


One of the breakout bands in music in 2004 was the Christian rock group called Building 429. Their hit song "Glory Defined" become a number one hit on various charts, winning the band four Dove award nominations, and them actually winning the Dove award for "Best Breakout Artist of The Year." This morning, at 7:00am, thanks to the sponsorship of my local radio station The Fish (103.9 FM if you are ever in Sacramento or Citrus Heights), I was able to see the band play, for free, at a local coffie shop this morning. It wasn't a huge performence mind you. The whole band showed up, but only two of the members actually played.

There were two guitars, but no drums or bass. Still, it was a treat to be able to see these guys play. I missed them while they were touring with Casting Crowns, but that doesn't matter anymore. I'll make sure to catch them in a real concert when they go touring again (which might not be long, seeing as how their next CD comes out in March). I have taken some pictures of the concert for your viewing pleasure. Keep in mind the pictures came out horrible dark, so I had to brighten the images. They still don't look all that great, but they are better then nothing I guess. Well, these are better pictures then I'm going to get at any concert, THAT'S for sure:

Setting everything up.

Just because you are in a coffie shop doesn't mean you can't put out a great performance.

Me and the guys. They were very cool guys. Signed my CD, posed for me for this picture, and they didn't comment on my horrible haircut. Really nice guys.