Saturday, January 21, 2006

Random TV Ramblings From A Guy Who Can't Sleep

"Party of Five" (1994)

Seeing as how the TV scheduel will NOT be changed until fall (and doubtful it will be much better then it is now), my TV on DVD raid continues. This time it's with "Party of Five," a show I (surprise, surprise) missed during it's initial airing on Fox. Seeing Scott Wolf on "Everwood" playing thirty something doctor made it kind of weird seeing him play sixteen year old Baily in this show, but there you have it. I'm on the forth episode right now, and while it is not a great show, it is a good show. This must be one of those shows that gets better as it goes on.

Seeing as how this show is so critically acclaimed, I'm hoping it does. Strangely enough, so far this isn't "Dawson's Creek." Mock that show all you want, but for some reason that show COMPLETELY sucked me in with the first episode! "Party of Five" got me interested in the characters and where they are going, but so far this show is no masterpiece, just enjoyable fluff. But heck, it's still better then almost anything found on TV these days. On another note, it was decided that James Van Der Beek's (Dawon) new TV show, "Three," was not going to be picked up by the network as a full length TV show.

Darn, it looked interesting too. What's maddening though, is that this show (which was going to be a real TV show with an actual storyline and characters) was most likely turned down to make way for another reality TV show. Disney's new Muppet sitcom can't come here fast enough. Oh, and "American Idol's" new season just started. While I am looking forward to seeing who becomes the next idol, I'm personally enjoying the bad singers much more then the good singers. Hey, what can I say, we might see another William Hung this season. Yeah, I know the guy is talentless, but he was funny.

Yes, I said it: He was funny. Bite me. Though on that note, Ricky Martin most likely has Hung partly to thank for his reknewed career in the US (in Mexico he never went away). Hmm...something tells me this post would not only make more sense if I was wide awake, but I'd probably have a flow and point too. Well, on a final note I have this to say: PETERT CETERA RULES!!!! Don't know who that is? Napster him. I'm going to make an attempt to go to bed now. Night, night.

P.S. Dani, if you're reading this, will you go out to the movies with me?


Blogger Kevin T. Rodriguez said...

As in there is nothing good on TV anymore. Nothing worth watching anyway.

1:35 PM


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