Monday, January 02, 2006

My Top Ten Best Films of The Year

Seeing as how "Ebert & Roeper" just finished telling the whole world what their top ten favorite films of the year were, I figured I'll spill the beans on mine. Though just as a heads up, a certain movie about "gay cowboys" won't be on this list.

10. Wallice & Gromit: The Curse of The Were-Rabbit (G)

Proving once again that claymation isn't dead, "Wallice & Gromit: The Curse of The Were-Rabbit" is charming, funny, sweet, and even a little dramatic near the end. Oh but what a great chance sequence in the Fair. You just can't beat animation and it's limitless reach for great scenes.

9. Mysterious Skin (NC-17)

A very little seen film, the movie of two boys with tramatic pasts is very disturbing, sad, and heartbreak. I can't even say it's very enjoyable, but it has excellent performances, and it will have you in deep thought about how certain things in the world works for hours on end. Reminder: This movie is for mature audiences ONLY! Even if the message is helpful, like "The Passion of The Christ," the message will still be there when your teenagers turn eighteen.

8. Good Night, And Good Luck (PG)

If you want an old fashioned political thriller, then look no further then George Clooney's opus about a small time news program that was the first program to seriously question Seniter McCarthy's "tactics" in dealing with communists. The most is not lefttist propiganda, but a smart movie that looks at a news program that fought the good fight and won some big battles while losing others.

7. Batman Begins (PG-13)

Still have nightmares about "Batman & Robin?" I know the feeling. Thankfully, my nights have been nightmare free since this (ironically) much darker, but far better Batman film opened in theaters earlier this year. With great performances, a steller story, and some really nifty chase sequences, "Batman Begins" is a return to the glory days of Batman movies.

6. The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe (PG)

Now that Disney has done a surperb job on this fully realized movie version of C.S. Lewis's classic novel, I can finally wipe that horrible BBC mini-series out from my memory. It's good to see the beavers have some justice done at long last.

5. King Kong (PG-13)

Would you believe that an action movie about a giant ape who falls in love with a pretty girl would also be one of the best on-screen friendships in recent memory? Hard to believe, but it is true. "King Kong" may be an action film, but it becomes so much more thanks to Jackson's excellent direction.

4. Syriana (R)

A political thriller that comes up with this great idea to include you in the guessing game, as confused characters try to figure out what is really going on in the grand sceme of things when a serious bidding war for oil breaks out between America and China. "Syriana" might not be "kick back and relax" entertainment, but if you are willing to think just a little bit harder then you usually would, then you will find a very rewarding film at hand.

3. Capote (R)

I love writing (as you can probably tell), so this movie about how Truman Capote wrote the famous novel "In Cold Blood" (which I am ashamed to say I haven't read yet, but am making plans to). While I'm sure the book is quite facinating, sometimes the story behind the book is just as interesting, and this movie proves that. If anything I now have interest in reading "In Cold Blood."

2. Wal-Mart: The Cost of Low Prices (NR)

Wal-Mart is not my favorite store, so it should come as no surprise that this movie totally won me over with how much it just TEARS Wal-Mart appart, and exposes (most) of the terrible truths to Wal-Marts practices! It may be biased, and I'm sure some of the facts are skewed just a little bit, but it nails most of the problems spot on, and it's worth checking out (esspecially if you shop at Wal-Mart).

1. Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire (PG-13)

I know, I know: I'm a fanboy. But even so, I was more entertained by "Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire" then I was any other film this year. Of course, the chances of me NEEDING to recomend this movie is laughable, as you've already decided whether you are going to see it or not! I recommend you see it.

And tha's my list of the best films of the year (in my opinion). Come back next week for my worst list. Later.

Currently Listening To: Casting Crowns - Lifesong


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