Thursday, October 27, 2005

I Am SO Sick of All The "Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire" Previews!

Seriously, not only is there a preview during every show I watch on TV (all three of them), but each preview SOMEHOW manages to spoil something in the movie! I've seen enough previews that I feel like I can roughly piece together the movie. Granted, I HAVE read the book, so it's only natural I know where everything is going to go, but there should be SOMETHING that I can enjoy experiencing for the first time when I go to see the actual MOVIE!!! From now on I will be actively avoiding any more "Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire" previews. It was fun at first seeing all the new footage and what not, but now that I've seen pretty much every critical scene before I've seen the actual movie...well, now I'm sick of those previews. Hmm...only twenty one days, twenty three minutes, and fifteen seconds before the movie is released. I can hardly wait.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sure Goblet of Fire will be an excellent movie. It's already shaping up to be better than the first three.


12:35 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

harry potter is a cool movie no matter what anyonethinks including YOUUU!

6:15 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Huh? I've seen the previews alot, they don't seem to spoil the story for me.

7:53 PM


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