Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Quick Question

I have a question for you readers of this fine blog. I picked up a copy of "Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince" from Cosco today. Why did I pick up another copy of a book I already own? Well, I noticed that the first twenty pages were missing, which makes this a "misprinted copy" or something. So answer me this question: Will this actually be worth something, or should I try to get my money back? You can answer in the comments box. Thank you.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My guess is you should try to get your money back. Now if you a misprinted dollar bill or something like that then I would say keep it. However, don't rely on me. Half the stuff I see on Antiques Road show looks like junk to me:)

C Bernard

8:35 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

you should get your money back ~ you work to hard for it.

10:58 PM


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