Wednesday, September 07, 2005

What I'm Listening Too (Not Like You Care)

Holy crap, did you know that Costco has started to sell Christmas decorations and wrapping paper?! I'm not kidding you, they are selling Christmas stuff, and it's...SEPTEMBER!?!?! Christmas isn't even going to be here for three more months. That's a quarter of a year. Does this mean that next year the decorations will be going up in August then? Maybe I should start breaking out my Christmas music now? Nah, better not, I'll be hearing enough of it come November/December, so I'll wait. Instead, here are some songs I HAVE been listening to that I've found quite addictive:

USA Today - Alan Jackson

While I wouldn't place Alan Jackson as one of my all time favorite singers, when he hits, he hits pretty good. A breakup song is nothing new for country music, but it's still enjoyable when the singer questions why his love life is more popular then terrorist attacks in foreign countries.

Every Little Thing - Carlene Carter

This song is from 1993, and from what I understand it was never a big hit. I just happened to catch it by some freak chance on the radio, as this was one of their "lets play a song that we normally play at 2:17am right now," and I've been listening to it on Rhapsody almost all day. This is one of those cool toe tappers that isn't very original, but it sure is fun.

Father, Spirit, Jesus - Casting Crowns

In 2002 there was a wave of "oh my GOD, the Christians are coming" in the music industry. Not only did famous country singer Randy Travis make the move to singing Christian music, but that was the year when a brand new Christian group named Mercy Me came onto the scene, and released the hit song "I Can Only Imagine"...and out of freaking nowhere, this song (which is blantly religious and makes no attempt at hiding this fact) starts hitting the charts, and appearing on radio stations that normally wouldn't play Christian music! And people who normally don't like Christian music (or even agree with most of it)...well, they liked the song too. It's not hard to see why: Despite the obviousness of the song, the song was too beautiful to not love.

Now Casting Crowns is another band that became a surprise hit two years ago, though not quite to the same extent as Mercy Me was. However this new song "Father, Spirit, Jesus" is starting to make the same splash "I Can Only Imagine" made three years ago, and it's not hard to see why: This is a HIGHLY addicting song, one that brakes the barriers between "Christian music" and "mainstream music." Keep an eye out on this song, I see it going places.

One More Minute - "Weird Al" Yankovic

The most twisted breakup song EVER! And it comes from "Weird Al" himself. Need I say more?

Anyway, if you're looking for new content to fill your iPod up with, those are some of my personal suggestions. Next time I write something, I promise it will be something worth reading.


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