Just Disgusting

The Webcomic Hurricane Relief Telethon - Presented by Blank Label Comics
The "Webcomic Telethon" is a good thing. Any event that encourages people to donate money to help the victims of Hurricane Katrina can only be viewed as a good thing. However with that said, it should be noted that if you are going to make a bunch of hurricane relief based comics, there needs to be some common sense applied. Comics that attempt to cheer you up or say a few kind and heartfelt words about the situation are certainly a step in the right direction, however the comic I've linked to above is NOT something you post on a charity event! And not because I believe that shouldn't disagree with your president, but because I think a comic like this is disrespectful and disgusting.
The above comic does not encourage you to donate money, it does not share comforting words to people, it does not try to make them feel better...heck, this comic isn't even about the victims themselves. All this comic is here for is to point fingers and spew some propaganda. The ending of the comic sends the message that America is inhuman for letting this happen, and that this whole situation is Bushes fault. Whether you agree with the message or not (I pray for not, as this whole situation was a NATURAL DISASTER, nothing more, nothing less) most people will agree that this is an inappropriate comic for an event that is supposed to raise money for those who were impacted by this disaster, and the fact that this artist decided to use this opportunity as a chance to speak his public opinion is disgusting.
Hey buddy, I could voice the problems I have with Bushes response to this situation during a charity event too, I just choose not to be because now is not the time to voice such words. Well, just for the record, this drive will not see a penny of my money. I'm going to donate my money to other charities that aren't so concerned about making a statement as they are helping out the victims. Later dudes.
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