Wednesday, August 17, 2005

One of Those Nights

Sometimes you just aren't motivated to write anything. My computer has been up and running for several days now, but for some strange reason I have had no desire to write any reviews or anything. It's like a job almost to write them right now. I'm not even completely sure why. Is it because school just started and I'm stressed? That may be it. Maybe all the stuff I have to review at the moment just doesn't lead itself to a good review? That may be it too. All I know is that when I forced myself to start to write a review for "Tokyo Boys & Girls," I stopped half-way through the review, as this was some of the worst crap I had ever written, and there's a good chance you'll NEVER see it on my site...ever!

I know I have to update soon, or my loyal readers will get frustrated with me, but I would rather not update with anything then update with a horrible piece of writing. My reviews may not be Pulitzer winners, but they must be entertaining on some level or else I wouldn't have readers at all. So here's my vow (however frustrating it is): I will not update the site until I get that "spark" that I feel I've been missing back. Hopefully this won't be too long though, as I hate taking long vacations from writing. Hmm...Borders is having a "Buy 4 Get The 5th Free" sale. Maybe picking up something there will inspire me with what I need to start writing again. I can only hope.


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