Saturday, July 09, 2005

What A Day

Man, today was a long day. I woke up this mourning to pick up a friend from his house, and we went back to my house and played some "Conker: Live and Reloaded." An hour later two of our other friends show up. We play some more Conker before we pull out our Donkey Kong bongos, and I finally get to open my new copy of "Donkey Konga 2," which I was saving to experience for the first time with my friends. I'm glad I waited, as misery loves company. Don't get me wrong, the game is still as fun as the last game was, but the music selection is absolutely terrible. We plowed through most of the songs, and none of us could find a single song we liked. After thirty minutes of trying to enjoy "Donkey Konga 2," we decided it would be best to play the first one instead.

Sometime today my aunt thinks she is having a heart attack and is rushed to the hospital. Turns out she's okay though, so we all breath a sigh of relief. I look at the calender and realize that the San Diego Comic Con is this week. Wonder if I'll be able to sleep tonight knowing that. I look at my review pile and hope that I don't fall TOO far behind on my reviews when I get back! I pause while I'm writing this to listen to Michael W. Smith's song "She Walks With Me." I am awestruck sometimes at how good this mans songs are sometimes. After I listen to the song I notice three volumes of "Slam Dunk" that are unopened because I haven't finished the first DVD yet. I want to finish them, but the subtitling for these DVD's are so horrible that I can't help but watch an episode each week.

I go downstairs after writing the last two paragraphs to get a snack. Since I'm watching my weight I decide on the grapes and low fat yogurt. As I come upstairs I look at my manga collection on my bookshelf and notice that I still haven't read "B'tX" yet. It's been over a year now, maybe I should read it. Not tonight though, as there's an unread copy of "Dr. Slump" I haven't read yet. I notice this blog is starting to sound pretty random. I like cheese. Hmm...maybe I should change the title to this blog entry. Nah, too lazy to do that. Yep, it's just been one of those big, exciting, tiring days.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Which of your aunt's thought they were having a heart attack?

11:44 PM


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