Tuesday, June 28, 2005

It spreads.

ListerX - Blog

Anime on DVD created their own site blog, and before you know it ALL the anime sites must have one now! Oh well, not that I'm complaining, seeing as how I've been bitten by the bug too, I just have to wonder what point something like this can contribute to a news/review site. I mean, giving people previews on what you're going to review within the next couple weeks? Wouldn't it make more sense to just write the reviews and post them when they're done? AoD's blog is another frustration, as most of the posts in their blog seem like they should either be news on the front page, or in the editorials section. I personally make no claim that this blog adds to either of my websites in anyway.

After all, this blog is just for me to rant about random things in my life that have no use anywhere else on my site. So why is it all the blogs that have been created for all the anime news/review sites I've seen seem to want to replace the news and editorial sections? I don't know, this isn't a complaint, just more of an observation. Here's another observation: TV producers are stupid morons. After all, these monkey's are the one's who blame parents for not monitoring what their kids watch on TV, and yet if you actually watched TV you'd realize that there isn't ANYTHING on TV kids can watch, which makes monitoring ten times more difficult to do! Remember, this is just an observation, nothing more, nothing less.


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