Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Somehow This Just Sounds Wrong

Squidi.net - Main Page:

This is what can be found on Squidi.net's main page:

"Accepting Guest Comics..."

Also, for the first time ever, I will be accepting guest comics. Before you scream 'finally' and start whipping out the MS Paint, let it be known that I do not want anything on this front page that doesn't live up to my impossibly high standards. I'm serious. If you don't think you are up to snuff, you probably aren't. I tend to see guest comics as either cheap self promotion attempts by lesser comics to get free advertising by paying lip service to the ass of a bigger comic or cheap attempts at self esteem boosting by somehow forcing your way, however minor it may be, into the respected creation of another.

I am accepting guest comics because I don't know how much time or energy I'll have once the baby is born (I hear not a lot), but my sense of pride and honor prevent me from turning this front page into a wall for anyone and everyone to graffiti 'Kilroy was here'. If you think you have what it takes, send it to squidi@squidi.net. It must be less than or equal to 640 pixels wide (can be any height), and cannot include ANY of my own artwork, pixel or otherwise, editted or not, or the copyrighted material of someone else (including the artist - no crossovers or characters from another comic, tv show, or whatever).

You can read two of my editorials on Sean's ego here and here, but needless to say the guy can't even seem to sound nice when asking for a favor sometimes. Basically what this post is doing is asking all webcomic creators out there to give him original, created from the ground up guest comics. Yeah, whatever, you don't see Scott Kurtz complaining because Jason R. Salsbury included a guest appearance in his guest comic for "PVP" a couple days ago. Lets just hope Sean doesn't attempt to try and pull ANY copyright crap on the strips that are submitted!


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