Monday, July 04, 2005

Burn, Baby, Burn

Most Un-Patriotic Thing I've Seen (This Week)

I've been talking about Sean Howard's blogs off and on recently, blogs that I find to be full of looney ideas, ideas that actually render the man insane even. I don't know why I keep reading them though. Maybe I'm just curious to see what new moronic ideas he has each new day, but regardless how I slice it I read them. His latest one he talks about the most patriotic thing you could do. Strangely enough it's not to honor veterans, or sing praises of how great your country is, but is, instead, to burn the American flag. His blog on this subject (which is currently off the homepage until he archives it) says that the flag is a symbol, NOT an idol, and that as Americans we can show how much we love the flag by burning it!

Why? Because we have the freedom and the right to do so. Yeah, riiiggghhhttt! Here's the thing about the American flag: Yes, it is a symbol, nothing more nothing less. Yes, you do have the right to burn it if you choose (until the Senate passes the law that says you can't). But the question is why do it? You want to know why I love the American flag? I love it not because it's an idol, but because of what it REPRESENTS! It represents freedom, unity, and courage. My grandpa fought in WWII, and fought to protect the very things our flag represents to us. The American flag may be a symbol, but it's what that symbol represents that makes it loved by so many people.

If you truly love everything the flag stands for why burn it? There may be the freedom to do this, but what about respect? Where's the respect in what the American flag represents if you burn it? That's like getting Stan Lee to autograph your Spider-Man comic book, saying how much you respect Mr. Lee for signing it, and then burning it. Just because you can. What a sick idea it is that you are a patriot because you burn the American flag, and disrespecting the very ideas you supposingly love so much. Sometimes I wish Sean could just keep his big mouth shut so that I could concentrate on his comic instead of his idiotic "ideas." Oh, and to the rest of the world, Happy Independence Day!


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