Monday, June 13, 2005

Why I Hate Kutaragi (And His Stupid Game Consoles)

Kutaragi talks PS3 backward compatibility, disses 360 (again)

You can read the article above if you want, but the basic jist of the whole thing is this: XBox 360 is doomed and Sony will rule again with the Playstation 3. This is where I usually enter into a rant mode. Instead of doing that however I'm going to take on a trip down memory lane for some VERY revealing quotes from Kutaragi in the past:

Sony President Brands Xbox a Failure

May 27th, 2001 (12:00am) - Sony Computer Entertainment President, Ken Kutaragi, has branded the Xbox a failure months before the rival console has been released.

"Microsoft was finished before it even got started. They have no games," Mr Kutaragi told the Financial Times. "Microsoft has put itself out of the game. Retailers in the US are already disappointed. Microsoft does not understand the entertainment business. The processing speed of their console is not fast enough and the graphics were rough."

"Retailers told me that on a dollar base, they expect 70 per cent of their sales will come from PlayStation. The remaining 30 per cent will come from Nintendo and Xbox but almost all of that will be from Nintendo." In fact Mr Kutaragi sees Nintendo as the major rival, "The next game platform belongs to Sony and Nintendo."


But the most significant aspect of the PS2 might be its ability to hook into the Internet, making it a "Trojan horse" to bring online gaming, e-commerce, Web browsing, e-mail and downloading of music, software and video into the home.

"You can communicate to a new cybercity," gushes Ken Kutaragi, the visionary behind the PlayStation. "This will be the ideal home server. Did you see the movie 'The Matrix'? Same interface. Same concept. Starting from next year, you can jack into 'The Matrix'!"


Go ahead, you can Google those quotes if you want to confirm their legitamy. Just make sure you walk away with the moral of the story: Sony can talk all they want, it's whether or not they'll actually deliver that is the question.


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