Midori Days
Last night I never did get around to watching any "Lupin III," all because I got some stuff in the mail from Right Stuf International, and I wanted to watch and read some of the stuff. The show I ended up watching was "Midori Days," a show I had planned to watch only an episode or two of (at first), but then I ended up watching the whole disk...all five episodes. Right now there is a problem with anime in the fact that very few series that come out these days seem to be series that can stand the test of time. The closest anime we have to being considered classics are "Full Moon wo Sagashite" and "Naruto." Otherwise though all the big wigs of anime like "Dragon Ball Z," "Ranma ½," "Inu-Yasha," "Sailor Moon," "Lupin III," "Neon Genesis Evangelion," and "Rurouni Kenshin" (just to name a few), are all pretty old, with "Inu-Yasha" originally airing in the year 2000, which was five years ago.
Most of these other shows are pushing ten or even twenty years, and they are STILL considered to be the best shows in the anime community! There's nothing wrong with this mind you. If a show can survive this long it usually is a testament to the quality of the show, but it's kind of annoying when you meet a new fan who's into anime and wants to be introduced to some of the best shows, we're telling him to watch shows that are over a decade old. "Midori Days" may actually have the potential to be the first real "next generation" classic I've seen. Now I don't want to totally dismiss "One Piece" and "Naruto," which I thin can definitely be viewed as classics now (seeing as how they are both past the 100 episode mark, something that definitely solidifies your success), but "Midori Days" is the first new anime I've seen in many years to have that "classic feel" to it.
It has a unique premise (the premise is that a boys right hand has turned into his girlfriend...no, I'm NOT making that up), it has wonderful characters, humor that is actually funny, and great animation. It even has a level of seriousness you don't find too much in anime these days. Well, okay, what I mean is at least the drama in this show can be taken seriously, unlike the stiff melodrama we see in so many anime titles these days. Right now I'd like to encourage everyone who loves anime (or even just likes) to go out and buy the first DVD of this wonderful show. You can find the first DVD at places like Best Buy for around $20-$22, it's only going to be three DVD's long, and the first DVD has five episodes.
Basically you'll be getting your money's worth and then some. And if you guys want this absolutely CUTE t-shirt of the show, you can buy the first DVD box set here
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