Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Book Progress

Wow, I didn't mean to leave this blog vacant for so long. I'm been hanging out at MySpace a lot recently, so I kind of forgot about this blog. But after reading some old Yu-Gi-Oh! Uncensored! stuff I worked on (which I secretly still miss that site), I remembered that I promised I would use this blog as a status update for the progress of my book.

So here I am, and feel free to pass this information along: I have 244 pages of the book finished. Oh sure there still needs to be proof-reading and spell checking, but the bottom line is that I will have the first draft of the book finished in about 100 pages. Give or take a few pages. This means that I won't be publishing this year, but next year should be the year I publish either proffesionally or otherwise. Keep an eye on this page for more updates I continue to progress. Bye!