Friday, November 25, 2005

My XBox 360 Story

IGN: Did You Feel Lucky, Punk?

As listed above, everyone who attempted to get an XBox 360 on launch day has a story to tell whether they got one or not. Like many, I have one to tell too. It started on the Wensday before the week of the launch, when I went into my local Gamestop to finish paying off a couple of games for the 360 launch day. The manger (who I know so well is practically a good friend now), says "Kevin, since you're here I think we need to talk about your XBox 360. Our shipment got cut in half, and you won't be getting it on the launch." For a second I am mad. How could that be? I have thing PAID OFF!!! Does that count for nothing? He tells me that it was first come first serve. They're only getting ten systems. I'm number seventeen.

I'm stunned for a minute, but then I regain my composier. This isn't HIS fault, and for that matter I still haven't finished "Xenogears" yet?! I pretty much tell him thanks for being honest with me. I tell him I will attempt to get a 360 from somewhere else, but just the same I am NOT cancelling my pre-order! I want that as a back up just in case I fail in my quest. This way I at least get one before Christmas. I make a desision that while I will NOT camp out in front of any stores, I will wake up at 6:00am on Tuesday morning in an attempt to grab me a system! So I wake up at 6:00am (more like 6:17am), and I go out into the world in an attempt to get my 360.

But first I go through the drive thru at my local "Jack In The Box" (which is open 24 hours), as I know I'm going to be hungrey when I settle on a destination. For some reason I decide to first go to Sam's Club. Why? I don't know, maybe it's because whenever I buy games that's the last place I go, and maybe it would be the same situation today. I get there and while there IS a line, it only consists of about ten people, with a mother and her two children in the front (who decided to wait in line the previous day starting at 3:00pm). Shortly after I get in line, a Russian guy comes next to me, and we start chating a bit. In fact, sometimes I'm proud of these system launches, as they unite all sorts of people together for one noble goal.

Only about ten minutes pass before a lady comes out and tells everyone that she only got thirteen systems, and that people who have BUSINESS cards ONLY have first dibs on the systems!!! Unfortunetly (and this was, surprisingly, the most disapointing thing I saw all morning) the lady who sat outside the store with her two kids (who were around 7 or 8 years old) had a regular membership card, which meant that she didn't get her system. As she starts arguing with the manager (and for good reason too in my opinion), I sneak inside the store. If anything, I'm going to be getting a copy of "The Polar Express" if nothing else. I get my DVD and head out to try another store. The radio claims that Best Buy is getting a huge number of systems in stock.

I wanted to avoid going to Best Buy since that's where everyone was going, but it was only five minutes away, so what harm could I do by just driving by right? On the way I notice Toys R' Us only has seven people in line, and I figure maybe God has smiled favorably on me with this store. I get there and I see a sign that says they are only getting seven systems in stock, and there are seven people in line. Oh well, no problem, Best Buy is right next door. I get to Best Buy and not only is there a semi-long line, but employes are already counting people to see if they have enough systems to sell to all the people in line. Two people in front of me is the cut off point, and I don't get a 360 from them (although I wasn't expecting to).

I decide to stop off at one more place: Costco. If I don't get one there, then I'll go home and go back to sleep. I get there and there is no line. I figure this must mean all the systems are sold out, but it turns out there is a lady there giving people numbers, telling them to come back later with the number. I'm number 65. I go home, sleep for an hour, and wake up to go back to the store. I get in my proper place, I have my system in hand, and I swipe my card...and the total price is $17.39 above my limit, and the only type of credit card Costco accepts is American Express (I have Visa). Luckily for me, the store gives me one hour to go to the back, get the money, and come back to pay for it. I go to the bank, get back to Costco, and finally buy my system.

And that's my XBox 360 story. What's yours?


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