Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Sad, Isn't It?

Xbox 360: Japanese launch sales figures - Xbox 360 News at GameSpot

So XBox 360 isn't too hot in Japan right now. That's not too much of a surprise, seeing as how the Japanese would rather buy Japanese products over American products, but this just proves that maybe, just maybe, Microsoft would have been better off holding off on launching the system in Japan, and instead focus on getting more systems made in America and Europe. Great planning Microsoft, hope this all pays off in the long run (seeing as how any kid who wants a 360 most likely won't get one until next December).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well guess what? AMerican film "harry potter and the goblet of fire" has been #1 movie in Japan for the entire month, according to the latest Japan box office report from Anime News Network (http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/article.php?id=8059). Hmm, how come Japanese like American films yet not our video games?

And another interesting thing: Nintendo (GameCube, Game Boy, DS) is very popular in Japan but not that much in America, Sony (Playstation 2 & PSP) is popular worldwide, and Microsoft (xbox 360) is popular only like in AMerica and i think europe. Also, did you know that (according to the Wikipedia article on video game controversy & violence) Japanese gamers diss the American games Mortal Kombat and Grand Teft Auto for graphic violence and stuff yet they don't care about their homeland's game "Biohazard" (You know it as Resident Evil if in AMerica) having the same violent gory material.

9:31 PM


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