Saturday, November 19, 2005

Can't Sleep

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

For some reason, I'm just not sleepy right now. It's currently 5:43am, and seeing as how I need to wake up at 7:00am to meet someone for breakfast, I see no reason to go to bed now (I'll take a long nap once I get back or I'll actually go to bed early for once). Since I'm awake though, I guess now would be a good time to make some comments on "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire." However instead of doing a full blown review, I will simply make highlight points that I think everyone else is forgetting to mention:

1. Lots of stuff from the book are cut. If you are going into the movie with the intention to compare it to the book, then you might as well not even bother to go, as the movie's butt will get kicked like you wouldn't believe it. That said, most of the stuff that was cut would have probably dragged the movie down a bit, and as a movie I found that I didn't care so much that a good 40% of the book was missing.

2. I'm not sure what to think of Voldemort. On one hand he looks creepy, but on the other hand he looks like a Star Trek villain with lots of make up on. Not to bag on Star Trek, but I never did like the aliens who looked like they had too much make up on most of the time.

3. The "dating" scenes were more entertaining then any of the action sequences. There is nothing wrong with the action sequences, it's just I think most people will agree that the action has always taken a back seat to the character interaction in all the other installments, and this one is no different.

4. I'm glad that Ginny Weasly (Bonnie Wright) was given more to do in this movie then she was in "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban."

5. The music in the movie wasn't as good as the music in the trailer.

6. This is NOT the darkest Harry Potter film made! Granted, it IS the most violent, but "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban," with it's high tension throughout the film and all those night scenes that had snow (which made the film look gothic at times) had, in tone, a much "darker" edge to it then this movie does. But you DO get to see blood in this one, and there IS enough violence to warrant the PG-13 rating, so don't worry too much.

7. I'm getting used to Michael Gambon as Dumbledore.

8. Alan Rickman is still the best Snape.

9. I think the fire effect they used with Sirius Black was really cheesy and cheap looking.

10. Either way you slice it, this is a GREAT movie!

Now we just have to wait till 2007 for "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix." Hopefully we won't have to wait as long for the final book to come out though.


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