Monday, December 19, 2005

I'm SO There!

The Second Chance Movie - February 17, 2006

Forget "King Kong" and "Narnia," because (despite the fact that those to films are out and I've seen them) the movie I'M looking forward to the most is "The Second Chance" staring Michael W. Smith and Jeff Obafemi Carr. Now I have no idea who Jeff Carr is (and his iMDB resume shows that this is his first film), but I've been a HUGE Michael W. Smith fan for quite some time! For those of you who don't know him, he has been one of the biggest pop/rock stars for the past twenty three or so years. Not only has he won several Grammy's (including a couple for his big hits "Do You Dream of Me" and "I Will Be Here For You"), but he has won countless Dove awards and his concerts are almost always sold out.

He has worked with such artists as Amy Grant, Jim Brickman, Steven Curtis Chapman, and Sixpenth None The Richer. The guy is a Christian artist, but most of his songs are of such great quality, that most people (and radio stations) like his music even if they don't completely agree with it (kind of like how some protesters find Eminem to be quite catchy at times). Now I don't know whether Smitty will be able to act or not (by the way, Michael's fans call him Smitty for short), but this feeling of anticipation must be kind of like seeing a Beatles movie back in the 60's: Who really cares if The Beatles could act or not, you just wanted to see them in a movie. Yeah, I'm a fanboy. Sue me.

My biggest fear was that this movie was going to open in less then ten theaters and that I would never see it on the big screen. Well, putting in my zip code at the official movie site revealed that it would be in four theaters near me when it opens, so I guess it will get a decent sized release (although most likely less then 3,000 screens). The movie is rated PG-13, which means the story about the suburbs is most likely going to be just a little rough around the edge (kind of like how the "Left Behind" and "Apocalypse" movies were). Of course, since Smitty IS a singer first and foremost, the highlight of the trailer for me was one of the (hopefully) multiple new songs by Smitty himself.

The song in the trailer is called "All In The Serve," and it's just a great sounding tune. Chances are the Soundtrack sales are going to help sell a good portion of tickets for this movie. Anyway, I was browsing Rhapsody today, and hidden near the bottom of Smitty's artist page, I found "The Second Chance Soundtrack Preview" page, where I could listen to two of the songs from the movie in advance. One of them was "All In The Serve." These songs are making me even more excited about the movie then I am now, and I'm listening to their sweet melodies like they were candy. Luckily the movie is opening in February, so there shouldn't TOO much competition, and maybe the movie will actually make some money at the box office!

Still, if a movie like this gives Smitty another reason to make another CD then I'm all for Smitty making more movies. Oh, and seeing a movie where the Christian community in shown realistically (both the good and the bad parts) doesn't hurt either.


Blogger Kevin T. Rodriguez said...

Well thanks for reading. If you want to read some of the 360 posts you just need to scroll down a bit more. Enjoy!

12:58 PM


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