Monday, October 10, 2005

You Had Me, And You Lost Me: "Yu Yu Hakusho"

The Comic Book "Yu Yu Hakusho" Review

Thanks to the ever arising expenses that must be delt with, I have decided that "Yu Yu Hakusho" must be cut from my budget. I just don't like the series that much anymore, and I can read it in "Shounen Jump" if I want to, so I see no reason to continue to buy the series anymore. I'll keep the first two books, but the rest I'm eBaying, and I'm cancelling my pre-order of volume eight. I'm sure the adventures of Yusuke will continue, but they will continue without me. He had me, and he lost me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:40 PM

Blogger Kevin T. Rodriguez said...

Sure, go ahead. You don't need my permission for that.

5:38 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You just had your first ever spam post! Yay for Kevin! Spam posts, by the way, are bots who advertise on people's blog. Anyway, the adventures of Yu Yu Hakusho have already ended, they just haven't all been translated to English yet. ;)


8:54 AM

Blogger Kevin T. Rodriguez said...

I will definetly be reviewing "Full Metal" sooner or later. I bought the first two books in a Viz sale at Right Stuf awhile ago, but I've only received the second book so far, so a review is out of the question right now. Of course, I'm struggling to find the time to write ANY reviews right now, but that's besides the point!

12:17 AM


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