Sunday, October 09, 2005

I Don't Object To This

Schwarzenegger signs game-restriction bill - News at GameSpot

I know there are a TON of gamers that are upset that the Govenator has signed a bill that basically states that minors can't buy violent video games without their parents permission, but I'm not one of them! I love video games, and I don't agree that video games are the source of violence (for some people I do, but not for all), but I do agree that if a game is rated in a way that means it isn't safe for all kids to play them, then there needs to be a law that prevents kids from being able to get a hold of them. You know how many parents excuse for letting their kids play violent games is because the kids would just buy the games even if they said no? A law like this will give the parents a better grasp of being able to say no, knowing that their kids CAN'T buy a game unless it's rated E!

Wal-Mart recently started a new store policy where if you are buying any movie that is rated PG or higher, you need some sort of identification before you can buy that movie. Some people think these things are taking away freedoms, but it's really just giving parents a better fighting chance. If you are of legal age to make your own decisions, then this law shouldn't be of concern to you. If you aren't of legal age though, then I guess you're going to have a problem with Arnold's new law. I wish I could say I sympathize with you, but I can't. I think these laws are a great idea; they give parents more power and it takes away no freedoms. Personally, I'm all for more power to the parents, since most kids think they are more mature then they really are. Thanks Arnold, glad I voted for you.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

well read this article man. really think arnold really needs to spend more times fixing our schools, not on the video games, RIGHT?

4:23 PM

Blogger Kevin T. Rodriguez said...

I think the schools need to fix their own problems. Schools are a mess, and the reasons are because they have poor teachers, know nothing about managing money, and don't take care of their property. So no, I guess I don't sympathize with the schools very much. Quite frankly, the only way Arnold will be able to help them is when they can learn to help themselves.

7:24 PM


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