Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Nightmare In Computer Land

So I blow out my computer, reinstall everything, I figure everything's cool and I'll be able to start updating my website again sooner then expected, when low and behold I find out I can't find my Dreamweaver disk. For those who don't know what Dreamweaver is, it is basically a website creating program, one that makes updating websites a bit easier for me since I only have to copy and paste the review (as opposed to the earlier days when I would type in the review, and then go through the whole thing and place brackets in the proper places). Hopefully I'll be able to find the disk soon, but until then updates for will most likely be put on hold.

On a brighter note, until I DO find the disk, I'm writing my reviews with Word Perfect, so I'll have something to post on my site when I do get around to updating it again. Man, that program cost me $125.99. I hope I didn't lose it for good.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, did you ever find your dreamweaver disk?

11:37 PM

Blogger Kevin T. Rodriguez said...

Yes, I found my disk. I've been updating my site for awhile. Hopefully I won't lose it again.

11:54 PM


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