Saturday, July 30, 2005

You've GOT To Be Freaking Kidding Me!

eBay: OMG Harry Potter! It's [Character name] .. on my TOAST! (item 5601561868 end time Aug-02-05 21:14:29 PDT)

WARNING: Clicking on the link WILL spoil the ending of "Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince!" You have been warned.

I have this fascination with the most bizarre things you'll see on eBay. The last time I did an eBay blog it was about a guy who was selling ad space on his body (all so he could meet Bill Gates and get a free XBox 360). Now we have someone who is selling a piece of toast, that supposingly has [character name] who died in "Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince" on it. Not only is the auction itself kind of silly, but what's worse is that people are actually bidding on this silly item. Over $40 dollars last time I checked. Maybe I should carve J.K. Rowlings name on a rock and sell it. I might make some real money for once in my life.


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