Sunday, September 04, 2005

New Addiction? Books: Eragon (Inheritance, Book 1)

So my dad got me this new book called "Eragon" by the young author Christopher Paolini, soft-cover edition, bought it from Sam's Club, probably cost less then $6 bucks. This is a book that broke all these sales records, and now the sequel, "Eldest," is available. I am a bit behind though, and I am reading the first book "Eragon." I started at 1:37pm yesterday (Saturday), right after I finished reading "Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince" and completing my goal to re-read the entire series (it took about two months to read all six of those bricks, but it was worth it). I have now read over one hundred pages of "Eragon" in less then twelve hours, and I'm not letting up.

Strangely enough, the book isn't brilliant just yet, but it's really addictive. I've felt this way before with another book called "Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone," which I had read in one night, not thinking it was a classic, but good enough to continue the series. Now Harry Potter is one of my all time favorite series. Now all the signs I had with Harry Potter are showing up while I'm reading "Eragon." Uh oh. If I'm not careful, I may have a new addiction before you know it. Well, catch you later, I'm going to read another chapter or two before I go to bed. Or three. Or four. Or five. Or six. Or...


Blogger Sammi G. said...

Yes, Eragon is quite good. XD It's a really well done Gary Stu, IMO, but I really enjoyed it. I bought Eldest but it's just been sitting on my "Need to Read" shelf, while I finish the other books I've bought. @_@

Anyway, If you really like Eragon, check out The Sword of Shannara Trilogy by Terry Brooks. Now THAT's addicting! :)

9:21 PM


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